IWLS'2019 - International Workshop on Lot Sizing
SubmissionSubmissionIn case you want to give a presentation at IWLS 2019, you should submit a short abstract (with a maximum of 1,000 characters) before June 7th. Please, submit your abstract with the subject "abstract submission", to the following email address: iwls2019@emse.fr. Based on the number of submissions and the available time slots for presentations, the local organizers and the steering committee will select the accepted presentations until June 10th. The deadline for the extended version of accepted abstracts is June 15th. Only those accepted presentations for which the extended abstracts (up to four pages) have been received will be included in the program. Authors are requested to provide their contribution according to the following latex template: Template IWLS Registration informationAll attendees (regular and student) will need to register using the registration form. Please register as soon as possible and before June 20, 2019 The regular registration fee for IWLS 2019 is 100 EUR. The student registration is free thanks to our generous sponsors. The registration will cover the conference dinner on Thursday, August 22, lunches and coffee breaks. We ask the students to register only after having sure that they will be able to attend the workshop. This will avoid unnecessary cost. |